About Us

About Us
50+ years reaching, touching and inproving lives
The Van Dyne Lions and the Fond du Lac Evening Lions provide many wonderful services to their communities all in the spirit of improving their communities. In this joint effort, the two clubs polled their resources and have added a new service to area residents.
Through a grant for the Lions Clubs International Foundation and contributions from surrounding Lions Clubs and numerous individuals, the two clubs have conceived and built the WestLake Lions Medical Equipment Loan Locker.
Area residents who are in need of a temporary loan of medical equipment can come to the locker and pick up equipment free of charge and return it when they have finished with its use.
Loan Policy
How the Medical Locker Works
Those needing medical equipment on an emergency or short term loan may come to the locker located at the Van Dyne Lions Park on Tuesdays from 3 to 6 p.m. and Saturdays from 9 a.m. to noon. When you are finished using the equipment, you are asked to return the equipment to the loan locker.